Deploying capital to achieve social impact with a financial return.

By jaafarali

Making the world a better place requires resources, and traditional funding models – such as foreign aid, philanthropy, and CSR – each have their own limitations. Some are too short-term, while others are too narrowly focused. But the need for funding is real, and the capital exists. Palladium mobilises private capital to address social issues…

A business accelerator aimed at girls’ empowerment

By jaafarali

SPRING is a business accelerator programme that supports fledgling enterprises to create products and services that will help adolescent girls generate income through safe sources; enjoy greater safety and well-being; remain in school and/or continue learning; and increase their savings. Funded by DFID, USAID, and DFAT, SPRING contributes to girls’ empowerment by helping businesses explore,…

Mainstreaming Development: Could the FCDO be a Good Thing?

By jaafarali

Photo Credit: Rich Taylor, DFID The announcement that the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) would be merged with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and a new department created was long expected, albeit with some trepidation, by many in the development community. Whilst it’s not yet clear what this change may mean, it does…

Empowering Women in Pakistan Through Business Development

By jaafarali

Women in Pakistan are traditionally responsible for providing for their families, often with meagre resources. They are “invisible” actors when it comes to economic activity, existing outside of the formal economy in what is a predominantly patriarchal society – particularly in rural areas, where many women are confined to their homes. Studies have shown that…

Management Skills Help Small Businesses in Lebanon Amid COVID-19

By jaafarali

To mark “Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day” on 27 June, Palladium’s Bethany O’Connor shares the stories of Lebanese entrepreneurs keeping their businesses alive during the coronavirus pandemic. Khouloud Hanna is a fitness trainer and owner of a small gym in a West Bakaa village. Like many proprietors, she closed her business due to COVID-19…