Tackling Mental Health in the Workplace

By jaafarali

In the UK, 1 in 6 workers experience depression, anxiety or stress-related problems, and 30% of the workforce will be formally diagnosed with a mental health condition during their lifetime. The jarring effects of COVID-19 have displaced the ‘norm’ of working life and brought long-overdue attention to mental health. In the coming months, people will continue to face serious…

Digital Skills are Key to Youth Unemployment in Nigeria

By jaafarali

In Nigeria, 55% of the youth population is either underemployed or unemployed, in large part due to a mismatch between the job market and the skills youth are trained in. Practical, digital, and entrepreneurial skills that would better prepare youth for future (self-)employment are all lacking in the current education system. In fact, Nigerian graduates…

Digital Skills are Key to Youth Unemployment in Nigeria

By jaafarali

In Nigeria, 55% of the youth population is either underemployed or unemployed, in large part due to a mismatch between the job market and the skills youth are trained in. Practical, digital, and entrepreneurial skills that would better prepare youth for future (self-)employment are all lacking in the current education system. In fact, Nigerian graduates…