Mainstreaming Development: Could the FCDO be a Good Thing?

By jaafarali

Photo Credit: Rich Taylor, DFID The announcement that the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) would be merged with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and a new department created was long expected, albeit with some trepidation, by many in the development community. Whilst it’s not yet clear what this change may mean, it does…

Management Skills Help Small Businesses in Lebanon Amid COVID-19

By jaafarali

To mark “Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day” on 27 June, Palladium’s Bethany O’Connor shares the stories of Lebanese entrepreneurs keeping their businesses alive during the coronavirus pandemic. Khouloud Hanna is a fitness trainer and owner of a small gym in a West Bakaa village. Like many proprietors, she closed her business due to COVID-19…

Digital Skills are Key to Youth Unemployment in Nigeria

By jaafarali

In Nigeria, 55% of the youth population is either underemployed or unemployed, in large part due to a mismatch between the job market and the skills youth are trained in. Practical, digital, and entrepreneurial skills that would better prepare youth for future (self-)employment are all lacking in the current education system. In fact, Nigerian graduates…

How Entrepreneurial Skills can Make Youth More Resilient

By jaafarali

Youth make up one quarter of the total global working population, yet 20% of youth across the world are neither employed nor undertaking education and training. Prior to the current pandemic, young people were already facing a challenging transition into the labour market as they were three times more likely than adults to be unemployed.…

International Literacy Day: How to Teach Children in Two Languages

By jaafarali

To mark International Literacy Day on 08 September, Palladium’s Stephanie Carter and Junaedi Uko explore how teachers in Indonesia are adapting their methods in the world’s most linguistically diverse country. On a warm and sunny morning in Bima, Indonesia, children’s voices ring out across the grounds of Sarikalampa primary school. Inside one classroom, first grade…